International Trademark Association (INTA) – Atlanta 2024 – Meet us there.

We are pleased to inform that a team of delegates will be attending the INTA Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA. The meeting will take place May 18-22, 2024. Alan Feeney, Donald Fruge’ and Logan Faucher would be pleased to meet with you. Click the link below if you or one of your colleagues is also
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Mechanical Engineering and Intellectual Property

Mechanical engineering is a diverse and innovative field that deals with the design, development, and maintenance of various mechanical systems. Intellectual property (IP) plays a crucial role in protecting the innovations and ideas that arise from this field. Feeney Law Group is dedicated to helping clients secure their IP rights in mechanical, industrial, and systems
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Providence RI city buildings view in the digital world

Speak with us now about trademark, patent, copyright, nondisclosure, contracts, etc.

We are US-based attorneys. We are registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office for over 25 years of experience. We help businesses and individuals protect their patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual property in the United States and globally with our international strategic attorney network. Please contact Donald Fruge’ at [email protected]